Thursday, November 11, 2004

Winter is coming

I have a feeling today was one of the very last pretty days on the Outer Banks for this year. It turned out to be 65 degrees and no wind. Later in the day it got to be hazy and moist, a precursor of things to come tomorrow and Friday night into Saturday. I love it when it is this warm this late into the season. It is not always this way. Some years we have had freezing nights before the first of November, and others not until around Thanksgiving, which seems to be the case this year.
Although this week seems to have been fairly quiet, we have had visitors here in record numbers later into the season than ever before that I can remember. I wonder if this place will become more and more year round as the years go by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think as more and more "babby boomers" retire you will see a dramatic increase in the number of residents including us in a few years.