Saturday, May 14, 2005

Milepost 19 beach

For the reader who was interested in the beach area around Milepost 19 in S. Nags Head, here are a few beach pix from the beach access there. The beach actually looked pretty good considering the overall state of things down that way.

Looking north at Milepost 19.

Looking south at Milepost 19.


Anonymous said...

You are the best! I'm not the one who inquired, but we do stay at Dunes South @ mile post 18. This atleast gives us an idea of what's happening. I'm so happy you answer your readers. Love the web site. Like I said "you are the best".
Cookie and Paul from CT

Anonymous said...

Oh Kim you are so great! I can see that the beach has moved back a good bit but it still looks great! We really like staying in the SNH area but it is getting harder to find homes in that area that have much beach left in front of them!! Thank you Thank you! I also just looked at my inbox and see I have a e-mail from you too!! As always take care! Angie V

Anonymous said...

I'm the one who asked about the Indigo St. beach access...Have you noticed if it is repaired yet? If not is there another way to get on the beach? Great web-site...Thanks for all of the info and great pics...

Outer Banks Native said...

To the Indigo St beach access reader, it had not been repaired as of the day I took these last pix (couple of days ago). My guess is that the parking lot will never be restored, and as for the steps to the beach, your guess is as good as mine. I would not count on it. These MP 19 pix were taken from an access which passable by foot traffic (cannot park a car there), and it is not very far at all from Indigo, maybe less than half a mile south of Indigo. Maybe by the time you get here, Nags Head will have spent some money in the RIGHT places, meaning fixing beach accesses instead of dumping sand in the ocean!!! Here's hoping! Have a great vacation!

Anonymous said...

If you ever wander down to MP20, a
shot of the houses around Nansemond
would be great! Starting to wonder if the houses have any beach left at all. Thanks.