Friday, May 06, 2005

Tidal rush is on!

The winds have been steadily backing around so that now they are northwest. Around noon today the report I got on the sound tide was quote "it would be easier to fish your crabpots with a wheelbarrow today, the sound's so dry"! All the water has been blown south and banked up against the west shore of the Pamlico sound all day. Now the wind has shifted and the water is rushing back in one big gulp. Just now we rode downtown Manteo to the boat ramp and the water is already up to the parking lot level with the lowest docks. I'm sure it will get higher in the next few hours. It is still raining and the radar shows one more heavy band to move through here in the next few hours. Some areas just east of I 95 in NC received more than 12 inches of rain for this storm's total. I pity the farmers who just planted crops out there.

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